Explorers, News

Essex Scout County Marathon

20 September 2012

We have spoken about the Essex Scout County Marathon a number of times in the past.  The time is now upon us that we need to get booked so I really need to know one way or the other with regards to each of you attending or not, and also any teams we may be entering.

The cost for the event is £25 per person, there will then be the cost of food and travel on top of this.  Travel will be dependent upon then number of you going and the method we decide upon.

This is an event that me and the Elmstead Leadership team took part in last year and are planning to again this year.

If you have any questions then please take a look at this link,  http://www.essexscouts.org.uk/events/marathon, or drop me a line.

If you could let me know ASAP then that would be much appreciated as the deadline and training nights are fast approaching.

