Remembrance Sunday – Photos
As I am sure most of you are aware each year the whole Scout Group attends the Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade in the village. Remembrance Sunday this year will be held on 11th November 2012.
We will be meeting at the old Post Office at 9:30am in FULL UNIFORM. As a reminder this is your uniform Jumper / Shirt, Group Scarf and Woggle along with Scout Trousers (school trousers if you do not have Scout Trousers) and black shoes. We also expect your uniform to be in a presentable condition, i.e. CLEAN and IRONED.
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders will parade from the Post Office to the Methodist Church to take part in the service and then parade with the Guides and Congregation to the War Memorial for the minutes silence and to lay the wreaths. We should finish at approximately 11:10am.
This is only one of two parades that we expect our members to attend, the other one is St Georges. While we expect you all to be there, please let your leader know beforehand if you cannot.
Photos from today’s Remembrance Service