
9 Oct 2012

Full details available from your section leader.

20 Sep 2012

Please see the attached letter for the next term.
We start back at Beavers/ Scouts on Monday 10th September and Cubs on Tuesday 11th September. All meetings remain the same at the Scout Hut Beavers 6-7pm, Scouts 7:15-9pm and Cubs 6:30- 7:45pm.

31 Aug 2012

During this term we are introducing scouting trousers as part of our uniform for Beavers and Cubs and Trousers and Belt for Scouts and Explorers.
You can purchase these from your leader, online at or visit the Scout shop – Villa Road, Colchester, which is open Friday evenings 7 – 8.30 p.m. and Saturday mornings 9 a.m. to Midday.
The cost of the trousers is £16, sizes 4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13
The cost of the belt is £12, sizes S-M – 24-30”, M-L – 30-34”, L-XL – 34-44”
If this causes …

31 Aug 2012

Subs are now due again.
These are £28 per term or £14 for each half term.
Please make cheques payable to 1st Great Bentley Scout Group and write the name of the child and what the payment is for on the back of the cheque. If paying by cash please place in a sealed envelope with the Childs name and what you are paying on the outside. Envelopes are available from the leaders, however they do not carry any change with them so please bring correct money.
Our accounts are all done centrally …

5 Aug 2012

This year the Scout Group will be running a group activity camp for the Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers over the weekend of 14-16th September 2012. The Explorers, Scouts and Cubs will camp at Prances Scout camp over the Friday night and the Beavers are invited to join us for the Saturday program and stay over Saturday night.
Please find attached a letter for full details of our Group Camp in September.
Jan Bovingdon
Group Scout Leader

19 May 2009

A Cub Scout from 1st Great Bentley challenged our new Chief Scout to crate stacking recently at an activity weekend at Youlbury Activity Centre.
Adam, 10, from Colchester said, ““We recently met Bear and did loads of new activities with him. He’s fun!”
Photos and video footage of Adam and Bear has been doing the rounds in the tv media today and featuring in a youtube video on as well as the local newspapers.

3 Jun 2008

Cubs & Beavers at Walton on Sea

14 Jul 2007

In July 2007 we ran a Group Camp at Thorrington. Activities included Caving, Rock Climbing, Go Karting as well as many team building challenges.